Bloating and Abdominal Pain in Snohomish

Seem harmless enough until it acts up again. It feels like someone is blowing up your stomach like a balloon. And unfortunately, if it keeps going it feels like it’s going to pop. Additionally, if it gets works you know you’re going to be wrenching over in pain again.
If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. In fact, given the Standard American Diet, which is truly SAD, many Americans suffer from chronic bloating, abdominal pain, or distension. The common over-the-counter drugs for bloating are Panabrom and Aquaban. However, tells you to avoid these drugs if you suffer from high blood pressure, kidney problems, or heart disease. Otherwise, you may suffer from some serious complications. Additionally, gave these meds a low rating. Your next option is to get a scrip for something stronger. In fact, stronger ones include bethanechol, Urecholine, and Duvoid. However, they have a host of serious side effects including seizures, blurred vision, stomach pain, and “jitters” just to name a few. Let our staff at Snohomish Chiropractic & Nutrition in Snohomish help.
Our Approach in Snohomish
Bloating is a direct result of your stomach and digestive health. And while I don’t diagnose or treat any disease (including bloating), I can help support healthy digestion. Additionally, I can also help your stomach work properly. I provide this support with a specific plan. And this plan usually includes custom dietary changes and the correct enzyme supplements. Of course, I only make recommendations after scientific testing based on sound medical principles.
Are you concerned about digestive or stomach health? Do you spend hours or days at home waiting for your problems to subside? Are you missing out on work family or fun? If so, give us a call and set up a consultation. I will personally sit down with you and talk about your suffering and how it affects your life. I will even do some preliminary testing as well as Bio Impedance Analysis (BIA). In fact, did you know that both NASA and Cancer Treatment Centers of America rely on BIA? These tests help me determine if you are a good candidate for care. If you’re not, we’ll make every effort to provide the proper referral.
For more information, please contact us at (360) 863-3949.
*Enzyme nutrition helps the body function properly—it’s not used to diagnose or treat disease.
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Snohomish Chiropractic & Nutrition
1405 Avenue D
Snohomish, WA 98290